Saturday, February 25, 2017

Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 - A flexible telephoto lens of FD mount

canon fd 100m f/2.8

At the age of film while the quality of zoom lens are not so reliable,

SLR always come with a 50mm one as a kit lens.

When it comes to the point to acquire the second lens, users face the options whether to get a wide angle lens or a telephoto lens.

100mm is a flexible focal length compare with the 85mm portrait lens and 135mm telephoto lens.

It will focus the composition on the subject while keeping the details.

It is able to adapt the different situations easily whether the shooting is taken place in a studio or on the street.

You have no need to shoot the subjects close enough to make them uncomfortable or compromise between your composition and the focal length.

Anyway, it is a conservative choice to taste the telephoto lens.

canon fd 28mm f/2.8
Canon FX with Canon FD 28mm f/2.8

As my second largest lens collection, Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 is a must-buy to complete the different focal lengths of my FD system.

You have 2 options for Canon FD 100mm lens, which are Canon nFD 100mm f/2 and Canon nFD 100m f/2.

The f/2 version has a slightly larger aperture and far more pricey than the f/2.8 version.

Consider that most of my photos are taken outdoor, the later one is definitely a better option for me.

Even I have the need to shoot in a low-light condition, it can be handled by high speed film.

Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 is a lightweighted lens which has only 270g and slightly longer lens tube than the tiny FD 50mm f/1.8.

It was structured in 5 groups 5 elements with S.S.C (Super Spectre Coating).

The smallest aperture value is f/32 and the closest focus distance is 1 meter.

It can metering in full aperture when it is used on a body that has auto exposure function.

canon fd 100mm f/2.8
Size comparison of 50mm f/1.8 and 100mm f/2.8

I have shoot with this lens only 1 or 2 times. So I don't have a lot of experiences with it.

From the results I have for now, it is quite worthy for the low price.

Have a look on the photos. You can decide by yourself if it is worth your penny.

canon fd 100mm f/2.8
Canon FX x Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 x DNP Centuria 100

canon fd 100mm f/2.8
Canon FX x Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 x DNP Centuria 100

canon fd 100mm f/2.8
Canon FX x Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 x DNP Centuria 100

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